Smart Ways You Can Care For Your Dental Veneers

Smart Ways You Can Care For Your Dental Veneers

Taking care of your veneers is something you’re probably interested in right? You’ve invested a lot into your smile and you want to ensure it lasts for years to come. Well, you’re in luck. Our team is going to give you three simple ways you can do just that.

1. Avoid foods and drinks that could stain

Your dentist may recommend that you avoid foods that could possibly stain your veneers. Porcelain veneers are designed to be stain-resistant, but that isn’t the same case for your natural tooth. Avoid foods like coffee, tea, red wine, berries and beets to ensure your veneers look their best for the future.

2. Distance yourself from certain foods

While your veneers have the function and look of your natural teeth, there are certain things that can damage them. Chewing on your fingernails or biting pens can damage your veneers over time or chip them right away. Make the extra effort to avoid chewing on inedible items.

3. Maintain the basics

Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, rinsing with a mouthwash and visiting your dentist every six months for professional cleanings are excellent ways you can maintain the look and condition of your veneers for a long period of time. If you ever notice anything different with your veneer, call your dentist to schedule an appointment.

To find out more information on dental veneers, please call our office today at ! Our team is ready to answer any of your questions or help schedule an appointment with the dentist.

Pelham Dental Group